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Fuel Oil Quiz

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Question 1: The BTU content of fuel oil is determined by a/an....

[] (a) Open cup test
[] (b) Calorimeter
[] (c) Hydrometer
[] (d) Viscometer
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 2: The lowest temperature at which fuel oil gives off sufficient vapor to burn continuously when ignited is defined as the ....

[] (a) Burning temperature
[] (b) Autoignition temperature
[] (c) Flash point
[] (d) Fire point
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 3: The flash point of a residual fuel oil should be used to determine the highest temperature to which the oil may be heated ....

[] (a) For atomizing
[] (b) For centrifuging
[] (c) In a storage tank
[] (d) In the recirculation line
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 4: For use in boilers,the flash point of fuel oil may be exceeded when ....

[] (a) Necessary to transfer fuel
[] (b) Firing under maximum load
[] (c) Smokeless operation is desired
[] (d) Required for proper atomization
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 5: Which of the following determines the temperature to which fuel oil must be heated for proper atomization?

[] (a) Viscocity
[] (b) Flash Point
[] (c) Pour Point
[] (d) Specific Gravity
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 6: Modern fuel oil temperature control devices are regulated to obtain a certain viscocity rather than a specific fuel oil temperature because ....

[] (a) Residual fuel oils have the same viscocity characteristics regardless of where they are refined
[] (b) The temperature of the fuel oil varies with the flow rate through the heater
[] (c) The relashionship between temperature and viscocity varies with different fuels
[] (d) Viscosity regulation eliminates the need for close control of fuel/air ratio
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 7: The viscocity of a residual fuel oil is measured in saybolt ....

[] (a) Millimeters Universal
[] (b) Milliliters Universal
[] (c) Seconds Furol
[] (d) Minutes Universal
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 8: The ash content of a fuel oil is significant to the operating engineer because it ....

[] (a) Is an indication of the amount of noncombustible material present in the oil
[] (b) Indicates the quantity of energy released by burning a unit amount of the fuel
[] (c) Is useful for determining proper atomization temperatures
[] (d) Reflects the overall thermal efficiency of the fuel oil sere system
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 9: What is the harmful effect of sulfur in a fuel?

[] (a) It causes excessive smoking and soot at low firing rates.
[] (b) It doesn't readily burn when combined with oxygen.
[] (c) It clogs fuel oil strainers more often.
[] (d) It forms a corrosive acid when mixed with water or water vapor.
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 10: What constituent of fuel oil determines the specific heat?

[] (a) Hydrocarbons
[] (b) Oxygen
[] (c) Nitrogen
[] (d) Suphur
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

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