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This is a sample multiple choice quiz
This format is used for the NIULPE exams as well as the Ohio exam.

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Question 1: The heat required to change a substance from a liquid to a gas without a temperature change is defined as the latent heat of ....

[] (a) Fusion
[] (b) Vaporization
[] (c) Sublimation
[] (d) Condensation
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 2: Heat which brings about a change of physical state with no change in the temperature of a substance is called....

[] (a) Specific Heat
[] (b) Sensible Heat
[] (c) Latent Heat
[] (d) Ambient Heat
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 3: Latent heat is that heat which must be added to a substance in order to change it from ....

[] (a) Solid to Liquid
[] (b) Liquid to Vapor
[] (c) Solid to Vapor
[] (d) All of the Above
[] (e) None of the Above

Question 4: Heat may be transfered by ....

[] (a) Conduction
[] (b) Convection
[] (c) Radiation
[] (d) All of the Above
[] (e) None of the Above

Question 5: How many BTU's must be added to one pound of water at 32 degrees F to raise the temperature to 212 degreees F?

[] (a) 16 BTU's
[] (b) 144 BTU's
[] (c) 180 BTU's
[] (d) 970 BTU's
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 6: The heat required to raise the temperature of 1 pound of any particular substance 1 degree F is called ....

[] (a) Its specific heat
[] (b) Its latent heat
[] (c) A British Thermal Unit
[] (d) Its Adiabatic Heat
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 7: If a boiler generates saturated steam at 125.3 psig, how much heat is required to turn the water into steam if the feedwater temperature is 240 degrees F?

[] (a) 30.55 BTU
[] (b) 116.50 BTU
[] (c) 982.75 BTU
[] (d) 984.7 BTU
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 8: The volatility of an oil may be indicated by ....

[] (a) The flash point
[] (b) The fire point
[] (c) The autogenous ignition point
[] (d) All of the Above
[] (e) None of the Above

Question 9: The viscocity of an oil is a measure of its ....

[] (a) Weight
[] (b) Internal Friction
[] (c) Demulsibility
[] (d) S. E. Number
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 10: A “Barrel” means that unit of liquid measured at 60 degrees F which is equivalent to ____ gallons (U.S.).

[] (a) 31.5
[] (b) 42.0
[] (c) 55.0
[] (d) 60.0
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

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