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Quiz 1

This is a sample multiple choice quiz
This format is used for the NIULPE exams as well as the Ohio exam.

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Question 1: The percentage by weight of steam in a mixture of steam and water is called the ....

[] (a) Moisture Percentage
[] (b) Moisture Quality
[] (c) Quality of Steam
[] (d) Heat Effectiveness
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 2: The weight of saturated steam is a factor dependent upon the ....

[] (a) Density
[] (b) Temperature
[] (c) Pressure
[] (d) All of the Above
[] (e) None of the Above

Question 3: Steam tables can be used by the operating engineer to obtain the ....

[] (a) Values for the properties of water and vapor under varying conditions
[] (b) Specific fuel consumption under steady steaming conditions
[] (c) Steam generatiing capacity of a vessels boilers
[] (d) Mechanical efficiency of the main unit
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 4: If a quantity of saturated steam consists of 90 percent steam
                and 10 percent moisture, the quality of the mixture is ....

[] (a) 10%
[] (b) 19%
[] (c) 89%
[] (d) 90%
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 5: Where in a boiler would you find 70% quality steam?

[] (a) Superheater Outlet
[] (b) Desuperheater Outlet
[] (c) Steam Drum
[] (d) Last pass of the Superheater
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 6: A turbine exhaust pressure of 14.7 PSIA is equal to ....

[] (a) 00.000 PSIG
[] (b) 00.147 PSIG
[] (c) 01.470 PSIG
[] (d) 29.400 PSIG
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 7: A British Thermal Unit (BTU) is the amount of heat necessary to ....

[] (a) Create a temperature change of 1 degree Absolute in a gallon of water
[] (b) Reduce the temperature of 1 Kilogram of water 1 degree C
[] (c) Raise the temperature of 1 pound of water 1 degree F
[] (d) Change 1 pound of water to 1 pound of steam at 212 degrees F and at atmospheric pressure
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 8: The sum of the sensible heats and the latent heats of any object is known as ....

[] (a) Total Heat
[] (b) Residual Heat
[] (c) Specific Heat
[] (d) Superheat
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 9: The heat involved during a change in temperature is known as ___ heat.

[] (a) Sensible
[] (b) Latent
[] (c) Total
[] (d) Residual
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

Question 10: The heat required to change a substance from a solid to a liquid at its freezing
                 temperature is defined as the latent heat of ....

[] (a) Fusion
[] (b) Vaporization
[] (c) Condensation
[] (d) Sublimation
[] (e) All of the Above
[] (f) None of the Above

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